Sunday, September 30, 2018

Best illustrator award goes to Sushi Glenn

Space Invader in Wynwood using paper instead of tile?

Star illustrators

Best calligraphy I have ever seen in ten years

Uruguay, River of painted birds.

Video art performance. Uruguay means in Guarani language, "river of painted birds." I was inspired to make this video art by the power of water as a cleansing element in life. Water is a healing powerful element for all of us. Agua es sanación=water is healing. I filmed the video while traveling through Uruguay and the Iguazu Falls in Argentina/Paraguay/Brazil. The quena flute performance is a song from Uña Ramos, Argentinian quena performer. Los Incas, 1970. France. #uruguay #fozdoiguazu #iguazufalls #cataratasdeiguazu #sanaciondeagua #watercleansing #waterpurity #quena #uñaramos #losincas #silviapease #silviamarquezpease #uruguayexpedition #brazilexpedition #ecotourBrasil #ecotoururuguay #ecotourargentina