Thursday, December 11, 2008
Movie Poster

One-Flag Design
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
proposition 8
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

This image was inspired by the book, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. I wanted to capture the tragedgy of the American Indians and honor the victims of a culture that was lost to the greed and violence of my people.
From Wikipedia:
The Wounded Knee Massacre, previously known as The Battle at Wounded Knee Creek, was the last major armed conflict between the Oglala Lakota and the United States, subsequently described as a massacre by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008

This is my second study of art as an illusion. This work was inspired by artists such as Giuseppe Arcimboldo and Salvador Dali. I tried to merge animals and other objects into a human form. The person is underwater swimming. There are also many other 'things' happening in the drawing. Media used were colored pencil, india ink, and graphite.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Trajan Pro
Architecture Newspaper
Greening the Miami Waterfront
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
"Jail Break Skateboards"
"Freedom of Art"
"Street Warrior"
Monday, November 10, 2008
Newspaper Layout
"Do Cry O.S.M."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Patty-cake Illustration

Patty-cake is a classic English nursery rhyme that many have heard as a child. I illustrated this nursery rhyme as a page from Mother Goose. Since this nursery rhyme is usually accompanied by a clapping game, I wanted to convey this to children learning this rhyme for the first time. And since children are my target audience, I chose pastel colors as my palette.
"Ladybug Love"

“Ladybug Love” is a short four-panel sequence story for a children’s book. Before a child begins to learn how to read, he/she can comprehend stories within a picture. That is why this story has a comic-style layout that begins and ends on the same page. Since this is targeted for children, I chose pastel colors for the background and red as a vibrant element that will capture the child’s interest and attention.
"Catcher In The Rye" book cover by Zureyka.

This piece is a book cover that I designed for the classic novel The Catcher In The Rye. In this story, Holden Caulfield envisions himself standing on a cliff in a field of rye with children playing tag around him. And as these children stray to the edge, he would catch and save them from falling. However, due to his psychological instability, Holden is the one that needs rescuing. And his younger sister Phoebe is the one that tries to rescue him.

We created words or letter forms with found materials outdoors. I picked the bench outside of the art building and utilized rocks that are adjacent to the porch to create the word "Eternal". The usage of rocks was meant to represent that the bench has been visited, although the people that were once there no longer remain. In a sense then, it is the bench that is eternal, and those that have visited are merely small fractions in time.
El Mercurio Re-Intrepretation
By Fabian Alcantara
Art 591
El Mercurio is a conservative Chilean newspaper with editions in ValparaĆso and Santiago. It was founded in 1827. It is one of the oldest circulated newspapers in the Spanish language, circulating about 1 million copies a week.
The web version of El Mercurio has 3 parts. The online version of the newspaper (www.elmercuio.cl), the digital version (www.emol.com) which provides news and other local advertisements, and a interactive version of the print newspaper.

The goal of the re-interpretation is how to bring the look and feel of the print version to the web. In doing so, it will stir readers who love the print version to try and read the online version.
This re-interpretation was inspired by looking at other online newspaper sites such as The New York Times Online, The Guardian UK, and CNN.com.
Link (Firefox preferred):
El Mercurio Re-Interpretation
el mercurio,
Fabian Alcantara,
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